Mark Zuckerberg spins himself some time

Mark Zuckerberg spins himself some time
There are two ways to look at Mark Zuckerberg's comments on Wednesday, his first since the Cambridge Analytica crisis unfolded.

They showed either a chief executive getting on top of the situation, and making what sounded like significant concessions in areas we wouldn't expect.

Or, it was a skilled, composed display of PR spin - a media appearance for which he had almost six days to prepare.

Speaking to CNN's Laurie Segall, Mr Zuckerberg made it look like he was giving up a lot, while simultaneously dodging the big issues.

Yes, he said he welcomed more regulation - but in a way that wouldn't have that much impact on Facebook's business at all.


Yes, he said he would be "happy" to testify before Congress and other committees around the world - but immediately gave himself the get-out clause he has used to avoid all of the other hearings so far.

Yes, he did say sorry - but only for the situation, not specifically for the actions of his company.

Simply - Mr Zuckerberg did enough to buy some time 
